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A Little Zest.

So one thing I have learned on the mission is that life is unpredictable in the best way :) I love it because it keeps us on our toes and it keeps us progressing! This week was definitely just that, extra refreshing, extra zesty!

We started out with Zone Training, which was sooo good! Sister Rocha and I got to talk about Adjusting to Missionary Life/Dealing with Stress and it was the best + hilarious. If nothing else I know it helped me!Then after Zone Training because the Carlsbad sisters came to Roswell we were able to do a real exchange! The first one of my whole mission #15monthslater. I went to Carlsbad with Sister Hjorth and Sister Villondo stayed here, and it was exactly what was needed! For both of us! Let me just say that the best running spot in the mission is in Carlsbad. There is a river and mist and a path and a park and a beach, it's beautiful!!! Also on exchanges we got to take Sister Twitchell (Kelsie's old companion) with us to a lesson and see my favorite less-active there, Carmen. Carmen is amazing, Carmen went back to the temple on Saturday!!! She is so sweet, I have only met her 3 times now and she watched my bag break and so she got me a new one. I love members of our church, they are oh so good.The work here with investigators is slow, the work here with less-actives is on fire! And so this transfer our goal and focus is the temple! And this week we found a new less-active to work with! She is amazing, 18 years old and leaves for basic training in 1 month, plenty of time to gain a testimony :)We got to go to the temple this week on Thursday with the most amazing member ever, Sister Badger. We love her! She has taught me so much! Also to be honest she has made me wish I was a redhead hahaha. We were planning on going to the 11:00 session but then with unexpected road construction we barely missed it... And so instead we got to watch sealings and then be sealed as children to couples! It was incredible and so special! I loved the sealer he gave us advice before we left and guess who I was proxy sealed to, Sister Twitchell's parents. The world is so small! I also want to do sealings with mom and dad when I get home! So get pumped for them :) After the temple she took us out to eat at Pei Wei, which let me just say I love! Is there any close to home???

We couldn't believe the amazing week we were having, it seemed to be that miracles were just popping out every where! Miracles and food! So thank you for your prayers, they were answered! This week we also went to eat with our favorite less-active Sister Hinds (who reminds me of Aunt Dawn, I finally figured out why I love her so much and ALWAYS want to see her) and had cookouts with different members. In the TLM we have never really been fed in the summer and man I love it already!

Yesterday we had our member fireside "Because He Lives." It went amazing! Unfortunately the turn out of non-members was not what we hopped but there was about 65 people there!

And last but not least, transfers!!! The Texas Lubbock Mission got a shake up and I am so excited! The things happening here are incredible and I can't wait to watch them! After being in kind of a "slump" we had 17 convert baptisms last weekend. For transfers about half of the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders were released to go and serve and do work with other missionaries. Also we have 4 assistants, 2 traveling assistants, who for their last transfer will go around helping! And as for what happened with us you won't believe it, Sister Rocha who we thought would be the one staying is leaving. She is going to finish her mission in Lubbock YSA on Texas Tech campus. Sister Gonzalez and I are staying! That's 6 transfers together people, half of my mission :) I am killing her this transfer and then hopefully that means I will get to die here in Roswell as well. #newmexicomissionarytotheend. This transfer is going to be crazy! This transfer is going to be great! We have a ton of plans for the sisters and this area, it is going to be a hard-working party to the end!

I love you! I love missionary work! I love the excitement of change!


Hermana Slade

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