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This is the Work of Salvation.

Hello everyone. I hope everything is going great back home! Things have been going great here, we had an awesome week filled with lots of adventures.

We found a Paleteria, which is like a popsicle/ice cream shop for Hispanics, and it is bomb! And they make some of the stuff without milk and so it is perfect for us! I also had my first Fruit Cocktail (Jimaca, Watermelon, Cucumber, Pineapple with Limon + Chile) and I love it!! The best snack! So refreshing but I have heard that others have mango and so it could improve haha. We are loving and living the Spanish life. #nativecompanionsforlifeWe did service at this place called Harvest Ministries this week. Which is a church based place where they hand out groceries every day. It is amazing and starts with a devotional at 9 by Pastor Mark, I love the Bible Belt! This week we put together more than 400 bags of rice and beans.We also were able to do some deep cleaning for about 4 hours for a member that is just moving her from Arizona. She moved into this house because she felt like she needed to help the lady that is going to rent it from and the inside was completely destroyed by the last renter. So we scrubbed walls, windows, cabinets, floors, stoves, all of the good stuff! The trio knows how to be a great service workforce!Then we had MLC this week and so we dropped off Hna. Gonzalez on Thursday and picked her up on Friday which resulted in us seeing both the Quintanas and the Gutierrez. Man I love Portales! Also so on Thursday we stay the night in Lubbock and guess who got transferred there, Sister Rebecca McCarthy and so we got to have a sleep over and talk and she is awesome! I love her and she is soooo skinny!!!For MLC some brothers from Salt Lake and the Provo MTC came to instruct us, it was really cool. But the best was when President Heap talked about the spectrum of revelatory experience and his plead to help and heal his missionaries. Also this week we took Sister Gonzlez to her first funeral to support a family in the ward. As we went into the cemetery there was a sign that said "Positively No Dogs" I loved it!We have Family Home Evening with the Navas tonight with Silka and we could not be more excited, it's the little bit of Spanish we have here in 1st Ward and we treasure every moment!This week we also taught Seminary one morning at 6 and I realized I was born where I was born and to whom I was born for a reason! 6 am Seminary is rough! I loved Seminary during the day and that was definitely best for me. I loved what we taught though D+C 99 and 100. Read them both. They were definitely an answer to many of my prayers. I know everything does work together for our good when we are doing God's work and being obedient.Also we have an awesome new investigator Angel. She says that for a year now she has been searching to know what church was true and has been trying a bunch churches. The first lesson was perfect, she was crying and ready to come to church but then her 7 year old daughter started crying because she has friends at their other church. So the mom decided that they would go one last time to say goodbye and then try our church. So pray that they do come to church this Sunday that her little daughter Hailey finds friends at church and that their company that is coming into town for the week do not anti them.Okay I think that is pretty much our week in a pecanshell (Roswell is famous for pecans.)xoxoxoHna. SladeWe also got a new phone this week and so we went to switch our contacts and took a few selfies while waiting.

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